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Sports Training Boot Camp: About

One of the major components of my internship aside from the daily training sessions with clients, is a hour long exercise class that I offer, free for students, staff, and athletes alike on a weekly basis. This class is designed to not only help people improve their muscular strength and endurance, but the exercises performed also help enhance one's balance, coordination, and athletic explosiveness. Additionally, my exercise sessions can help people discover new and fun ways to exercise without having to stick strictly to heavy weight training. Workouts consist of a variety of plyometric exercises, activating the participants' flexors, extensors, adductors and abductors, while also incorporating balance and agility during each station.

Sports Training Boot Camp: Quote

In order to formulate a plan each week for my training sessions, I have been shadowing the head athletic trainer at Mackal Fitness and Wellness center, Christina Savoie. Along with my own personal research in kinesiology, Christina and I are constantly working out new ways to activate the different muscle groups of the body, incorporating various methods and techniques that can help enhance the body holistically.

Sports Training Boot Camp: Quote

Each and every session is an opportunity for me to enhance not only my abilities in leading group exercise, but also my abilities to modify and adapt workouts to fit the needs of the clients. As each session comes and goes, my leadership skills grow tremendously, I have confidence in the exercises I have chosen to utilize, and because of these personal growths, I have been able to secure team training sessions with some of URIs sports clubs this semester. This is the first step of many towards developing myself and my work ethic into that of a successful future athletic trainer.

Sports Training Boot Camp: Quote
Sports Training Boot Camp: Work
Sports Training Boot Camp: Quote
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